love like woe...:)

i kinda feel like it dont make sense
cause youre bringing me in and now youre kicking me out again
loved so strong, then u moved on
now im hung up in suspense
because youre bringing me in and now youre kicking me out again...

best friends noes me best! :D

Strangers think I'm quiet.
My friends think I'm out-going.
But only my BEST friends know that I'm completely insane! :D

Living it out!

im living the day or awesomeness!
although i dont quite feel awesome....!

loving my life! =D

imma b loving my life!!
fell in love!.....with dozen songs...!
loving it all! i noe im selfish, but i just cant help it!!
im gay this whole week!!
yay! rock on!

form 3!!

Was excited when it was new year in the beginning...but now?? not so much...
form 3s not that bad, its just terrible...XO
lolx....homework, homework after homework!!
i noe, its just for my own good... no choice!
just gotta live with it...xp

New Years here!! woohoo!

yeah!! its new year...!
cant wait to c how this years gonna turn out to be!
excitedddd! =D
its gonna be a fun year, i can feel it!! xp