Christmas is here!! and im lovin it

merry christmas!
this years christmas is the best!
had a blast last night during christmas dinner!! XP
did sum stupid stuffs!...embarassed myself...! D=
haha, merry christmas everyone.

city harvest church! (Penang)

attended c.h.c. penang on sunday...awesome service...!
the pas keep telling jokes...LMAO!!

so happy...!

glad to be going to Penang tomorrow...!
yay! going shopping...=D
imma be staying in a huge hse!

did some cloning....real funnn:D

cloning was fun, enjoyed every moment of it...=D

i made my pic colourful! Funn!=P

hahax...nothing to do, so i coloured my pic....cuz itz black and white! lolx

Ps editts...=D

Parody of me....=P

real pic...=))

Obsessed with Photoshop!

Started using photoshop...
I dinn noe it was so fun!
learning photoshop tuts...!
made a lot of funky pics! xP

somewhere over the rainbow

life sucks,
life's wonderful...
but sometimes, we just want life to be colorful and is filled with rainbow.
